Tag Archives: happinessformula

Get your free Self-Gamification e-book copy today


I hope you enjoy turning your projects and activities, and your life, into fun games.

I have some news that I would like to share with you here.

From today and until coming Sunday, I am running a free e-book promotion on Amazon for my book Self-Gamification Happiness Formula: How to Turn Your Life into Fun Games.

You can get the e-book for free starting with today (immediately, Sep. 6, 2019) and until including coming Sunday (Sep. 8, 2019).

Here is the link to the Kindle page of this book on Amazon.com:


If you are purchasing on another Amazon site, then search for “Self-Gamification,” and you should find it easily.

Please remember that this free e-book promotion finishes in only two days. Thus, I invite you to get your free e-book copy now.

By the way, if you don’t have the free Kindle app yet, here is the link to it for your convenience: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=free+kindle+app

I wish you a beautiful and gameful day and weekend,


P.S. Those who purchase one of my products on Self-Gamification can join the Self-Gamification Club (a secret group on Facebook). If you get the e-book through this free promotion, then you are not eligible to join the group. If you want to join the Sel-Gamification Club, then you can buy one of the other products I offer on Self-Gamification. You will find more information on that both in Self-Gamification Happiness Formula and on the page introducing Self-Gamification Community here.