Tag Archives: #gamifyinglife

One Minute Read from the Gameful Blogging on Medium.com


Here is another blog post in a series featuring videos on YouTube, where I read from one of my motivational books for one minute.

In this video, I read from my new book Gameful Blogging on Medium.com: Thirteen Levels in the Epic Adventure of a Top Writer and Super Creator on Medium (Book 6 in the “Gameful Life” series).

I am reading the first section of the chapter “Level 11. Being Clear about the Goals.”

Here it is if you want to read along, prior, or afterward.


Excerpt from the Gameful Blogging on Medium.com

What happened before

The previous article (chapter) I wrote about turning writing and publishing on Medium into fun games was about enjoying the breaks in publishing there, such as during the holiday season. I referred to those breaks as cooldown phases, well-known in sports and games.

In that story, I recommended not worrying if you notice yourself watching your stats and earnings. In fact, I even mentioned that it might be fun and enlightening, especially during a cooldown phase.

But at the end of the article, I also recommended looking less at the stats and earnings during an active phase, that is, while writing and publishing on Medium.

There is another important aspect to the stats and earnings:

If you connect your goals to the numbers in your stats and Medium Partner Program earnings, you will not really be turning your time on Medium into fun games. Instead, you will be chasing a fantasy, a Fata Morgana.

Here is why.


The next step

If you want to find out more about gaining the feeling of success and fun while blogging on Medium and also how to persevere writing and publishing on Medium in fun and gameful ways, then I invite you to read Gameful Blogging on Medium.com. To look at the book and buy it on Amazon, click on its title above or this image below:

If you want to see where else you can buy it, then go to the book’s page on this website here.

I wish you a beautiful and gameful day!