Category Archives: Writing exercises

A thesaurus prompt – Wisdom starts with a W

I always had a weakness for thesauri and “explanatory”, as they referred to in Russian, dictionaries.

Now being a writer I understand why. Thesauri uncover the secrets behind words and show, which of other words are their allies and which are their opponents. And the dictionaries with explanations for each word give often brilliant examples of their use.

Some time ago I read about an idea to use dictionaries and words within as writing prompts.

So I decided to try this out for the post today.

I opened one of my compact thesauri on page 290 and came to letter W. The words on it made me curious to try something with them. And as I was contemplating what I could write, I realized that the word “wisdom” also starts with a W.

Thus it is decided, I will attempt to write a wisdom out of the words I found on page 290. Here are these words:

– wary, wash, washout, waspish, waste, watch, watchful, watchword, watery, wave, waver, wax, and way.

Thirteen words. A very suitable number to add up to a new wisdom. 🙂

So here it comes:

I watched myself as I made waves with wary movements. Each of my moves wavered the watery cocktail of my life, which lacking taste at the beginning turned quickly into wax, the liquid of fun washed out in an instant. First I was waspish about this washout, but then I stepped back and found fun observing my human behavior. As I came back to the present moment I discovered the sense of my way. Nothing that occurs is wasted. I don’t need to be watchful and expect attacks or failures. No watchword is needed to open the door to an exciting and extraordinary life. All it takes is to see that it is already happening.

Picture: As I woke up from my reveries during breakfast yesterday, I discovered this beautiful view of our developing garden.
