Category Archives: Self-Gamification

Self-gamification is the application of game design elements to one’s own life.
Self-gamification is a self-help approach showing you how to be playful and gameful.
In self-gamification, you are both the designer AND the player of your games.

Life as a Favorite Game

Here is the next short post on Self-Gamification. Enjoy! 🙂


And here is the same thought in text form:

“Let’s treat our lives as our favorite games. Let’s dive into them, enjoy them, be excellent at them, and be curious about each step, each level. And play them again and again.” – Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#gamification #motivation #selfhelp #selfgamification #voluntary #participation


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the figure below and go to the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Software and Hardware for Designing Self-Motivational Games

I am starting a series of posts with short thoughts on Self-Gamification, that is on turning one’s life into fun games, and especially why it is worth it. I will use them also in my future book on Self-Gamification. But so far, I wanted to share them on social media and here on my blog.

So, here is one of the best things about Self-Gamification.

And here is the same thought in text form:

“The best thing about designing self-motivational games is that the software and hardware are always available. You can find them on your shoulders. And the designer is you.”
Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#gamification #motivation #selfhelp #gamedesign


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the figure below and go to the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

How to Start Playing Your Motivational Games

In the previous lectures of the online course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games, we’ve addressed the importance to want to see your projects as games, to design them, to actually start playing them, and develop them. This lecture will give you tips on how you can start playing your motivational games because the start might seem the most daunting when you are preparing for it. A spoiler alert: also for the start, you use the three skill-sets introduced by this course.

A note: This is the last of the free videos of the online course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games shared with you in this blog and social media. Over the ten free videos gave an insight of all sections (except Section 7: Conclusions and Congratulations) of the course. Here is the list of the course’s sections:

  • Section 1: Introduction
  • Section 2: Self-Gamification and its Three Components
  • Section 3: Study Yourself as an Anthropologist
  • Section 4: Identify Small Steps, the Kaizen Way
  • Section 5: Design, Play, and Develop Your Games
  • Section 6: Practice, Enjoy, and Share
  • Section 7: Conclusions and Congratulations

If you would like to learn more about this self-motivational online course, then click on the image below or the link in the brackets (…) to access the course’s landing page.

Btw, there is a possibility to enroll in the for 93% off. But join soon since this offer goes until June 30, 2018, and there were only 100 spots in total initially available. Reserve your spot now:

Willing to Gamify Your Life

You can’t have fun in a game without willing to play it and actually playing it. The same is with turning your life into fun games: you won’t have any success with that without your voluntary participation. And more than that, you have to want not only to play your motivational games but also to design them and improve them, and before all that to see your projects and activities as games. This video addresses various aspects of the voluntary participation in self-gamification.

If you would like to learn more about this self-motivational online course, then click on the image below or the link in the brackets (…) to access the course’s landing page.

Btw, there is a possibility to enroll in the for 93% off. But join soon since this offer goes until June 30, 2018, and there were only 100 spots in total initially available. Reserve your spot now:

Main Elements of Games, Projects, and Activities

If you ever doubted that a project or activity could be turned into a fun game, then I invite you to take a look at the components of a game. When you do it, you might see that any project or activity having success has all the four main elements of a game: a goal, rules that are followed, feedback system, and voluntary participation.
This lecture of the course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games explains how and gives concrete examples.

If you would like to learn more about this self-motivational online course, then click on the image below or the link in the brackets (…) to access the course’s landing page.

Btw, there is a possibility to enroll in the for 93% off. But join soon since this offer goes until June 30, 2018, and there were only 100 spots in total initially available. Reserve your spot now: