Category Archives: Self-Gamification

Self-gamification is the application of game design elements to one’s own life.
Self-gamification is a self-help approach showing you how to be playful and gameful.
In self-gamification, you are both the designer AND the player of your games.

Being of Value

One of my works-in-progress now is the book on self-gamification. The second principal component of self-gamification after awareness is making small, effortless steps forward in whatever you do. I am working on the chapters about kaizen and quoting Robert Maurer, and his brilliant book One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way many times. While diving into the book again today, I found this quote by Albert Einstein there and realized that the people who developed the three approaches I bring together in self-gamification often speak of being of service instead of striving for success. I remember how as a beginning writer or entrepreneur I was wondering whether I would have success. Today I realize that success is a bonus, a by-product and maybe a little (but not always) an indicator of being of value. Do you agree?

#beingofservice #beingofvalue #success #beingofvalueissuccess #successisnotagoal #empathy #awareness #transformation #kaizen #microprogression #inspiration #motivation #selfgamification #gamification #OptimistWriter


I must say my 4-year-old daughter is right: pink is a great color. ?? It looks so cheerful on the two ballpoint pens I use right now and in my two (to-do-list and feedback) game-books.

P.S. If you are curious what all these stars in the picture are about, then stay tuned and watch out for posts on self-gamification. I am writing a book, where I will share my current (and all the other I tried so far) self-motivational game design.

#pink #selfgamification #motivation #inspiration #optimism #todolist #ballpointpen #gamification #OptimistWriter

Back in 5 Minutes

A couple of years ago I was buying flowers for my sister, as I saw this plaque. I tried to keep my laughter quiet but ended up with tears welling up in my eyes. I had to buy it on the spot. Recently I discovered a quote by dear friends and two of my favorite authors, which resonates with the poignancy of this quirky plaque,

“At times you will live in the moment. Other times you will repeat old behaviors from the past. Expect it and don’t judge it!” — Ariel and Shya Kane.

These compassionate and uplifting words are worth sharing again and again. I made sure to include these words in the book I am writing right now on self-gamification. I expect myself sharing them on many occasions in the future. This beautiful and fun recognition is simply a gift.

#transformation #beingkindtooneself #beingkindtomyself #gamification #compassion #kindness #humour #motivation #inspiration 
#selfgamification #OptimistWriter

Favorite drink, favorite cup, favorite joke, favorite attitude

As I contemplated today how I would like to feature Cheerleading for Writers today, I realized I had to feature it with my favorite drink, espresso. I also realized that I never intentionally took a picture of my favorite (since childhood ) cup. So today was the day to do that. And since the word “favorite” seems to be the keyword today, I looked for what I wrote in Cheerleading for Writers using this word.

Here is what I found:

“At this point, I would like to tell you one of my favorite jokes: a man was asked whether he could play a violin. His answer was, ‘I don’t know. I never tried!’

“So, let’s approach everything with this attitude. Let’s not say, ‘I can’t do something,’ until we try, and try again. We might discover that we can, are very good at it, and that we even enjoy doing what we want or have to do.” – Victoria Ichizli-Bartels, Cheerleading for Writers: Discover How Truly Talented You Are

P.S. If you would like to enter a contest where you could win a copy of  Cheerleading for Writers then click on the picture above or here.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#favorite #cup #espresso #joke #attitude #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #WritingANovel #WritingABook #WritingLife #motivation #inspiration #perseverance #YesWeCan #HappyWriting #HappyCreating #MotivatingWriters #CheerleadingForWriters #OptimistWriter