Business Blog Category Becomes Self-Gamification

I would like to inform all subscribers to my blog posts in Business and Writing blog categories on the changes that I made today.

The blog Business changed now to Self-Gamification, the term I use for the gameful approach I use to project, time and my life’s management.

I try to approach all areas of my life gamefully, and this includes my work and my business. Therefore all former Business blog posts remain in this category. Apart from that, I moved the 5 Minute Perseverance Game blog posts into this main blog category. They won’t be under Writing category as they were before, at least most of them won’t be, because the 5 Minute Perseverance Game and other derivatives of this game have to do more with project and time management than purely with writing.

I hope these changes won’t bring any inconveniences to you and will continue to bring value to you as well as make you smile and help enjoy whatever you do.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me whatever questions you have on this. You can contact me at

P.S.: There is more to come on self-gamification. And I am excited to share these projects with you in the coming year.

P.P.S. from March 20, 2018. I have renamed this blog category into Self-Gamification and Business to include the pure business sub-categories of this blog into its title.

Credits: Photograph © under the keyword “dice.”