All posts by vica

The 5 Minute Perseverance Game and Kaizen

The traditional way of learning a new skill is first to learn about it then try it out. This approach applies to learning how to drive, how to play various games, how to use a computer. Of course, there are exceptions, and the 5 Minute Perseverance Game was such an exception for me.

After having played it for more than a year, I am still learning about it. I have discovered recently that there is some fundamental wisdom to why it is working.

One of these pearls of wisdom known for a long time is Kaizen.

Here are some definitions of Kaizen:

  • “Japanese term for a gradual approach to ever higher standards in quality enhancement and waste reduction, through small but continual improvements involving everyone from the chief executive to the lowest level workers. Popularized by Masaaki Imai in his books ‘Kaizen: The Key To Japan’s Competitive Success.’” *
  • “Kaizen (改善?), is the Japanese word for “continual improvement.” In business, kaizen refers to activities that continuously improve all functions and involve all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers. It also applies to processes, such as purchasing and logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain. It has been applied in healthcare, psychotherapy, life-coaching, government, banking, and other industries.” **

I didn’t know about kaizen when I first played the game, which I would later call the 5 Minute Perseverance Game. In fact, I wasn’t searching for it to understand why the game was so much fun for me. I just played it and had fun.

An activity that always been fun to me since my school and university years is reading. So it was reading, or rather a curiosity about a book that did the trick.

I lived in Denmark (as I also do today) and was about to start a project for a big Danish company on behalf of another Danish company. So when I heard of a seminar called “Danish Workplace Culture,” I immediately wanted to attend it. The workshop was fun, valuable, and eye-opening in many respects. The seminar instructor reminded me of a book, of which I’ve heard previously but forgot to check it out. The anecdotes the instructor shared from the book ignited my interest to such an extent that I checked on the book as soon as I was back home that day. I downloaded a sample, and a short time later, I bought it.

The book is “The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World’s Happiest Country” *** by Hellen Russel. In it, a British journalist reports on her experience of settling in a country with a different mentality and working culture from the one she grew up and learned. And the title of the book says it all: it is about understanding why the Danes are so happy and well in themselves, even if they have some of the un-coziest weather conditions in the world.

I loved the book so much that I checked whether Hellen had written some other books too. And she did. Her second book is titled “Leap Year: How to make big decisions, be more resilient and change your life for good” ****. The book is as fun and as revealing as the first one written by Hellen. However, the chapter with the title “Finance — Go Money On My Mind” rang the loudest bell for me.

This chapter is where I first learned about kaizen and how the philosophy of small steps can improve any area of life including personal finances. At least, this is what Hellen applied it to. Hellen learned about kaizen from Dr. Robert Maurer, Director of Behavioral Sciences for the Family Practice Residency Program at Santa Monica, UCLA Medical Center and a faculty member at the UCLA School of Medicine, whom she interviewed for this chapter of the book.

I kept coming back in my mind to the concept of kaizen and the fact that it seemed to be so well proven and well-used approach, but still so little heard of. I decided to make a search kaizen at the largest online book retailer. The first book that appeared and seemed to be most purchased and most liked was “One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way” written by the same person, whom Hellen Russel has interviewed for her book. Robert Maurer was the one who wrote it and several other popular books on small steps and kaizen.

I downloaded a sample of the “One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way” and started to read. I couldn’t stop at first. Only the necessity for a sleep and family and other commitments calling helped me stopped reading. As I read the book, a realization came, again and again, that this is what I am doing with my 5 Minute Perseverance Game. I am applying kaizen.

Here is how Robert summarizes his book “One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way”:

“The succeeding chapters are devoted to the personal application of kaizen and encompass six different strategies. These strategies include:

  • asking small questions to dispel fear and inspire creativity
  • thinking small thoughts to develop new skills and habits — without moving a muscle
  • taking small actions that guarantee success
  • solving small problems, even when you’re faced with an overwhelming crisis
  • bestowing small rewards to yourself or others to produce the best results
  • recognizing the small but crucial moments that everyone else ignores.”

When I looked at this list I saw that the 5 Minute Perseverance Game answer with a Yes to each of the above, including the information in the introductory sentence:

  • I apply the 5 Minute Perseverance Game to myself. I self-gamify my life. So it is a personal application.
  • When given only with a short amount of time (5 minutes, for example) to address a task, I can only ask myself small questions.
  • The thinking of “small thoughts” occurs all by itself, as I move further from the beginning of any game round. At the start of a month, when I start a project (or a phase of a project) I do still think “big thoughts.” But the limited time again comes to help, and every day it becomes easier and easier for me to make the next move in the game, and the thoughts about it become smaller and smaller, quieter and quieter, and by that more and more pleasant.
  • Again the 5 (or less or a bit more) minutes limit the actions that can be taken.
  • The brilliance of a short time allows addressing only the small problems.
  • The points I give myself are the small rewards, and I discovered that gathering and counting them, as well as the seemingly hard work and challenge to gather as more of the points as possible, brings much more fun than supposedly big rewards of recognition by someone else.
  • Limited time helps me to concentrate on the given moment because I want to make this little step work, otherwise, I get no point. With this, I notice more and more the small moments, small events on the way. And the project becomes an enjoyable process and path, instead of being a goal, something to be finished with.

It is amazing to discover that something you do and have fun with, appears to be based on a fundamental and well-tested wisdom. It feels empowering and reassuring.

I am grateful to have discovered about kaizen and gamification, and that unknowingly to myself I have applied both simultaneously to my life.

Inspired by Robert Maurer’s approach in his book “One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way,” in a number of the following posts I will consider various examples and scenarios where the 5 Minute Perseverance Game can be applied.

What is your opinion? Robert Maurer compares small steps (kaizen) to large steps (which he calls innovation). Which do you think are more efficient to address a challenge: small or big steps? When and why?

On the picture above: Plants are amazing kaizen masters. Their gradual and almost invisible progress gives amazing results. Here: a majestic yellow beauty at the Aalborg Zoo.

What is this blog series about? You can find this out in its first blog post called “5 Minute Perseverance Game – Moving my Favorite Game to my Writing Blog.”

Results for days 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 of the round June 2017 of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game: 12, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 9 points out of 15 possible for each day.

Results Total for the 3rd week in June (week 25) 2017: 62 out of 105 possible (59 %)

References in this article:

Copyright © 2017 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

The Relativity of Hard Work and “Hard Fun” in 5 Minute Perseverance Game

Games are often facing a prejudice to be a comfortable place to flee to from the serious and really important assignments. But interestingly enough the “work” we do while playing games is not easy at all. It is in truth hard work. Doable, but not easy at all. At least not in the long run. Otherwise, no one would play the games if they would not challenge us.

Jane McGonical, whom I mentioned already many times in this blog series, and who is a well-known gamification advocate and game designer, has addressed this very specific characteristic of games in much detail.

In her book “Reality is Broken,” Jane McGonical quoted the playwright Noël Coward, who said,

“Work is more fun than fun.”

She has supported this statement by referring to a psychology research method known as the experience sampling method, or ESM, which concentrates on finding out “how we really feel during different parts of our day.”*

These studies show that the widely agreed relaxing or indulging activities, such as eating sweets, watching a movie, or just doing nothing, don’t make us feel better. However, the events where we are challenged, and where we see the task as doable, then we are detected to be the happiest.

Jane calls this kind of work “hard fun.”

She says, “Hard fun leaves us feeling measurably better than when we started [playing**]. So it’s no surprise, then that one of the activities from which ESM subjects report the highest levels of interest and positive moods both during and afterward is when they’re playing games — including sports, card games, board games, and computer and video games. The research proves what gamers already know: within the limits of our own endurance, we would rather work hard than be entertained. Perhaps that’s why gamers spend less time watching television than anyone else on the planet.”

The last post on the 5 Minute Perseverance Game titled “The ‘Unnecessary’ Obstacle of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game and Why it Turns an Overwhelming Task into Doable” could appear contradicting the above statements of the hard work inside games. We discovered there that the limiting time of working on a project makes it doable, that is easier than if we were doing it in one piece. So, is the 5 Minute Perseverance Game an exception and it is all ease and “piece of cake”?

Not exactly. We still need to work on our projects. The ones we procrastinated, those challenging us so much that we both yearn to do them and at the same fear as hell the results of our work. So the work is still hard, but the 5 minutes adjusts this overwhelming task into the “the limits of our own endurance” and unknowingly to us we start loving the job at hand instead of dreading or even hating it. Thus, even the tasks, which we have to do but have the idea we don’t want to do, become doable and even enjoyable because we manage to do them. We might find ourselves doing them for a longer period of times, or taking more tasks into the game. And when the game becomes too much, and we overdrive ourselves, we can choose to play differently, just like in other games we can leave one game and search another that satisfies our interests and “endurance.”

So the relativity of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game is also its paradox. On the one hand, we still need to make an effort and challenge ourselves to work through the 5 minutes. But on the other hand, by delimiting the time we invest into any project during any given day, we can reward ourselves much sooner than if we worked the whole day, or week, or month on the same task. In other words, we experience the job at hand as easier to manage than when we thought of it at the beginning. At the same time, it presents itself as engulfing and engaging as it could ever be.

What is your opinion? Do you agree with the concept of the “hard work” and “hard fun” in a game in general and in the 5 Minute Perseverance Game in particular? What is the hard work in the projects you take into your perseverance games?

On the picture above: I often experience cooking as “hard fun.” It is challenging me, but my enjoyment of the process grows as it progresses and the more I leave the past events of the day behind. I cannot, however, take the credit for this beautiful and utterly yummy salmon creation. My niece and her life partner have cooked this and several other gourmet dinners for us during their short stay with us this June.

What is this blog series about? You can find this out in its first blog post called “5 Minute Perseverance Game – Moving my Favorite Game to my Writing Blog.”

Results for days 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 of the round June 2017 of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game: 6, 7, 6, 8, 8, 11, 11 points out of 15 possible for each day.

Results Total for the 2nd week in June (week 24) 2017: 57 out of 105 possible (54 %)

References in this article:
* Jane McGonical, “Reality is Broken” (E-book Location 562)
** added by the author of this article

Copyright © 2017 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

The “Unnecessary” Obstacle of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game and Why it Turns an Overwhelming Task into Doable

The well-known game designer and gamification advocate Jane McGonical quotes many philosophers and game & gamification fathers and influencers in her works. Bernard Suits is one she seems to admire much, and whom she referred to many times in her widely acclaimed book “Reality is Broken.”

Jane claims that the following quote is “the single most convincing and useful definition of a game ever devised”:

“Playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles.” Bernard Suits, quoted by Jane McGonical in “Reality is Broken.”

As I read this definition, I didn’t quite understand what the word unnecessary in the context of a game meant. But then it clicked as I read the following paragraph in the Jane McGonical’s book “Reality is Broken”:

“As a golfer, you have a clear goal: to get a ball in a series of very small holes, with fewer tries than anyone else. If you weren’t playing a game, you’d achieve this goal the most efficient way possible: you’d walk right up to each hole and drop the ball in with your hand. What makes golf a game is that you willingly agree to stand really far away from each hole and swing at the ball with a club. Golf is engaging exactly because you, along with all the other players, have agreed to make the work more challenging that it has any reasonable right to be.”

In the 5 Minute Perseverance Game, there is only one unnecessary obstacle. And this is that you are not allowed to work on your project in one run and do all at once. You have to work on the project you took into the game only for 5 minutes on any given day and then stop until the next day. If you hadn’t this obstacle, you would try to finish the task on the same day or do it in one piece over a couple of days. This latter approach might seem as straightforward, but it is much more stressful. The seemingly unnecessary obstacle of limiting your work on a given project only for short periods of time can work miracles.

The seemingly unnecessary obstacle of limiting your work on a given project only for short periods of time can work miracles.

First, it takes the pressure off of a big and overwhelming task. “I can do 5 minutes”, is the most common response I get when I introduce the game to someone who has never heard of it or similar games before. So the game turns hard and overwhelming tasks into doable.

Furthermore, the 5 Minute Perseverance Game provides continuity and brings well-being (since it reduces stress). Projects seize to be goals, something to be finished with and instead become paths to go, which is much more enjoyable as many find out also about happiness. If the happiness is a way, then you just make sure you take that path always, or if it were an accessory, then you always take it with you wherever you go. But if it is a goal you never know if you reach it. Making projects being enjoyable and fun paths enriches life, and we simply enjoy what is happening along the way amazed of the many adventures we have during one single day.

I re-discovered this to be true recently as I was preparing a presentation for a large conference. I realized how much I wanted this presentation to be excellent and how scared I was that I wouldn’t manage that. So I called the 5 Minute Perseverance Game for help since I already made the experience of it taking away many of my fears and being able to bring me back into the current moment. As soon as I had the instructions from organizers, I took the making of the presentation into the game and started working it for about 5 minutes a day, completing one or two slides on that day. What I hoped for happened. I stopped being concerned and worrying how the presentation would turn out at the end and instead was glad to create those few slides each day. I had fun trying various things like playing with the layout design, searching for illustrations, and adding the suitable text. The break between the days helped me realize what the weak points were and also helped me see the valuable points of the reviewers of the slides and let my defensive thoughts, which appeared after the first reading of the e-mails with comments and change suggestions, fade into the background.

The main lesson learned here is that the seemingly unnecessary obstacle of limiting the time of work on a project becomes a necessary condition for both to make the project doable in its best and efficient way and to make it real fun.

What is your opinion? Do you think that such unnecessary obstacles are helpful to have fun in a game or activity? What unnecessary obstacles do you introduce (maybe sometimes also unknowingly) in your daily routine to make it more fun, more dynamic, and progress? An example of latter from what I do: I set up a timer to, for example, 15 minutes to do some chores (whether for myself or together with my son) and then work against the clock. I love doing this time to time especially with household tasks. And my son seems to have more fun cleaning up his room when the timer is running. Do you do something similar? And if yes, what exactly?

On the picture above: As I searched for a picture for today’s post in those I made recently, this one with the elephants we saw last week in Aalborg Zoo caught my attention. The hay being placed above elephants’ heads on a chain is quite an unnecessary obstacle. The zookeepers could have put the hay down as I saw at other visits to the zoo. But that would be so much less fun. The elephants had fun catching this cube of hay and pulling it and branches with fresh leaves stuck into it.

What is this blog series about? You can find this out in its first blog post called “5 Minute Perseverance Game – Moving my Favorite Game to my Writing Blog.”

Results for days 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 of the round June 2017 of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game: 8, 11, 11, 9, 11, 8, 9 points out of 15 possible for each day.

Results Total for the 1st week in June (week 23) 2017: 67 out of 105 possible (more than 60 %)

Copyright © 2017 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

Contributing to Mekon’s Bitesize on Business Rules – 9: Exploring brdoc Schema – Why there is a dedicated element for a business rule decision and none for a business rule decision point

As the new brdoc Schema gets explored and implemented, I receive questions on the intention of one or another construct in it.

I have written an article in frames of the Mekon‘s Bitesize on Business Rules series to share the reasons behind the structures and element names in the Schema for the primary business rules constructs: Business Rules Decision Points and the Business Rules Decisions. There is a seeming discrepancy in the way we (at the Business Rules Working Group, BRWG) have structured it: one having a dedicated element and the other not. But the deliberate and conscious decisions on the part of those who developed and reviewed the Schema stand boldly for the reasons behind this and I wanted to share them with all who might be interested.

Click here to find out more: Bitesize Business Rules: Exploring brdoc Schema – Why there is a dedicated element for a business rule decision and none for a business rule decision point.

At the end of this article, you will also find an invitation to a webinar (planned for June 28) with the title “S1000D is More than a PDF file, default BREX, and XML Schemas.”

Click here to find out more: “S1000D is More than a PDF file, default BREX, and XML Schemas.”

(Credits: Photograph © under the keyword “decision”)

P.S. Check out the two new books on Business Rules and S1000D Issue 4.1 & Issue 4.2.

Closing May Round and Starting June Round of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game

There are many generous bloggers and writers, who offer detailed information mapping their earnings and how they achieved that for the past week, month, season, or year. I would like to offer here another kind of transparency. The observation of my thought processes and lessons learned during the gamifying process of my life.

Here are the projects which I took into the May 2017 round of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game and the experiences I made:

  1. Blogging on the 5 Minute Perseverance Game.
    This activity is probably the most prominent project with most results in this past month. I noticed that the project, recorded as the first on the list, progresses well in a month, so I often put there the activity, which I want very much to improve, but which I often procrastinate. After blogging very irregularly in the past few months, I wanted to revive this activity. And besides that, I very much wanted to blog a book again. After a few posts on the 5 Minute perseverance game and gamification, I noticed that I still have something to say in this respect and also that I want to dig into, learn about, and experiment with this subject more and more. The result of this work in May: 6 blog posts (not counting this one).
    Points earned in this project: 26 out of 31 possible.
  2. Finish publishing a technical book (S1000D Issue 4.1 & Issue 4.2) and after that book update (where necessary) and book marketing, including preparing training courses based on my books.
    I’ve finished publishing “S1000D Issue 4.1 and Issue 4.2 Navigation Map”. Then I updated the e-book of the “5 Minute Perseverance Game” to align with the paperback (which was in a more updated and improved state) and published it. I’ve updated and had the brochures advertising my books printed. And I am well on my way to developing two training courses based on “Take Control of Your Business” and “5 Minute Perseverance Game.” So, yes, praise for the creative part of me here as well.
    Points earned in this project: 24 out of 31 possible.
  3. Voluntary work for the S1000D community: work of Change Proposal Forms on behalf of the Business Rules Working Group, for which I serve as its chair.
    This work is one of the projects, which I didn’t manage to attend to on all of the days in May, as I wanted to. Nevertheless, I managed to finish a long-term mask ahead of suspected date, which I thought would be June. This project will stay on the list in June too, and I might even move it up on the priority list to facilitate the progress. Or it will at least stay where it is.
    Points earned in this project: 20 out of 31 possible.
  4. Work on “Cheerleading for Writers” -> incorporation of self-edits made on paper into the electronic version of the book.
    I sometimes have this idea that I don’t like self-editing. However when I am in the process, then I very much enjoy it. I guess one of the reasons for this erroneous idea is that when I incorporate changes I need to be completely present and attentive to what I do to make any progress, and my brain doesn’t have space to think of something else then. The result is that I think I don’t want to do it at all. Teaming up with friends to work on the cover does remind me of the commitment I made with this book. So I managed to incorporate changes for more than half of the book (right now having to count slightly more than 35000 words).
    Points earned in this project: 15 out of 31 possible.
  5. Voluntary work for the S1000D community: administrative tasks for the S1000D Business Rules Working Group and feedback to the work of other S1000D working groups and task teams.
    As task 3 above, I didn’t manage to do this one every day. But having this as one of the projects in the game helped me to make progress and reduce the number of the unanswered e-mails in my Inbox related to it.
    Points earned in this project: 12 out of 31 possible.
  6. Work on new or potential projects: “Everywhere At Home” (forthcoming short memoir compilation), pitching and updating proposals for new projects in the S1000D area and beyond, learning how to write query letters to send to various magazines.
    A lot has happened in this block. Mainly the preparation of pitches for new projects progressed very well, and June will show whether they have been successful or not. One of the proposals has been reviewed and got constructive feedback for the next update. And the new non-fiction book, which will be a collection of memoirs, “Everywhere At Home” started to take shape. I have selected a few stories and gathered ideas how to structure it. Although I feared that this activity would fall behind, it turned out to be successful. Especially when I let myself this task to be not only about the book project but to be about planning and creating new projects in general.
    Points earned in this project: 22 out of 31 possible.
  7. Learning Danish.
    I live in Denmark since 2008, and I do speak Danish. But it’s far from fluent yet. One of the possible reasons might be the fact that I don’t use it during the most of my day. My work occurs mostly in English; at home, we speak German; with my mother, my sister, and my niece, I speak Romanian. My son chooses to talk in English with me time to time, just for fun. So my Danish gets short time slots while bringing my children to school and daycare and during shopping. Recently, I started using it also with the Danish partner companies and customers. It improved ever so slightly, but in the end of April, I got an offer to teach two training courses in Danish. Scared, terrified, but I said yes. Also because I very much want to learn this language and be able to understand my Danish friends and to communicate with them better. The results for this month of learning Danish: I’d read more than a half of a novel by Nora Roberts translated into Danish, and I discovered myself talking longer Danish and even explaining technical topics in Danish.
    Points earned in this project: 19 out of 31 possible.
  8. Taking care of the family and personal (official) matters.
    The main result of this project is that the game helps me to bypass the traditional annoyance with having to attend to the necessary issues like applying for a passport, or registering myself or my children for one or another thing, communicating with doctors, accompanying my mother to health checks, etc. I become less and less upset that I have to do all that and I also sigh about it much more rarely. Even if the thoughts appear shortly, like “Oh, there is always something to do,” there is this knowing, “I just need to do it at least for 5 min and then I will get the point.” Besides, the fact that if I want this point then I need to do this and see that everything in this regard is taken care of, I am even searching and looking forward to doing this tasks, because if I follow the instructions given by various instances, they are often straightforward to do. Yes, biggest results here are the removal of drama, fun factor in doing something simple and straightforward, and gladness of witnessing the visible progress in those necessary things.
    Points earned in this project: 28 out of 31 possible.
  9. Household.
    That one is similar to the task above. Thanks to the game it went much smoother and with fewer complaints, especially the duties I think as tedious, for example cleaning the house or tidying. Another great thing is that only one point for my “escape to” tasks like laundry helped me stop these activities for the day and attend to other also important tasks.
    Points earned in this project: 28 out of 31 possible.
  10. Meeting and communicating with friends and family.
    I am very glad about this one because of the two reasons. First, it reminded me to answer emails I forgot to answer in the everyday hectic. And the second is that I often didn’t notice that I took time with friends and family. I just was there with them and enjoyed them and my time with them. Only on two days of this month, I haven’t recorded a point for this activity. I suspect that I simply forgot to do so. Especially the discovery that I took care of my loved ones and devoted time to them without looking on the clock, brought me much joy, as I was looking at my day and counting the points. This project/activity is one of the sweetest ones and it showed me that I do not forget my loved ones while still following my passion with my work and personal projects. A note aside: even if this project was placed at one of the last positions in the list of the eleven projects, it still got almost all possible points and earned more than any of the other projects in this round. Wherever it stands, the fact that I am drawn to do something here shows that my heart’s wishes are much stronger than my Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) and doing something wrong.
    Points earned in this project: 29 out of 31 possible.
  11. S1000D and Business blog posts.
    This activity has been one of the three more procrastinated projects, or to say more precisely the projects where I earned less than half of possible points. This project, or rather two projects, since it is about writing posts on two different topics, has brought me only 13 points out of 31 possible. I have delivered the committed article, but those that I wanted to do because I thought I wanted or had to, didn’t work. Or only slightly worked, since I sketched a few words in a notebook for a post, but didn’t do anything with that after. There are of course many reasons for that, both plausible and implausible. The other projects, inability or rather lack of a wish to focus on this (when uncommitted). Maybe also I am a bit too ambitious in what I want to achieve. Or maybe my brain simply needs a project that goes “badly.” Now as I recall I had never earned all possible points in a month, even when I had only one project. So there is some braking force that says, “You can’t manage all that,” which is probably all right in itself. I’m wondering whether I will ever manage to have all points, independently how many projects I take in. If not, is it because I am afraid that I will not be willing to play the game anymore if I rich the most possible and earn the maximum available points? Hmm, I don’t know. I am curious what I will think on this in a month, year or more time.

The overall lesson learned: it looks like my life in May 2017 was successful and balanced. Giving myself points for each activity and looking closer how I did in each of them surprised me of how well I did.


Projects for June 2017:

I discovered another quirky idea my brain has produced. That I have to limit the number of projects I gamify. But now I realize that I don’t have to do so and just can observe which projects are relevant for me this month. Such an approach is nothing else than time- and project-planning. The difference is that I don’t have to force myself to do it. Instead, this task is now fun to do, and I am looking forward to the end/beginning threshold of a month to plan the next round.
So here are projects I am taking into the June round.

  1. New Projects (“Everywhere at home”, writing proposals on new projects, and pitching them to potential customers)
  2. Cheerleading for Writers -> self-edits
  3. BRWG CPF work
  4. BRWG Admin work and other S1000D work
  5. Book update and marketing
  6. 5 Minute Perseverance Game Blogging
  7. S1000D and Business blog
  8. Learning Danish
  9. Learning Chinese
  10. Meeting and communicating with friends and family
  11. Family and personal (official) matters
  12. Household and un-cluttering (including the hard disk on my computer)
  13. Sports or workout (at least 1 exercise)
  14. Sleeping at least 6 hours per night
  15. Doing something purely for fun

What is your opinion? Do you think such an overall gamification is too much? Or can it be just fun testing out? If you would gamify all projects and activities in your life for this particular month, what would these be?

On the picture above: there are various paths to my daughter’s daycare, and Emma likes to take one on one day and another on another. We discovered these white flowers recently after not having gone the path for a couple of days. It is simply amazing how much nature manages by simply being there.

What is this blog series about? You can find this out in its first blog post called “5 Minute Perseverance Game – Moving my Favorite Game to my Writing Blog.”

And now on how my 5 Minute Perseverance Game is progressing for various projects:

Results for days 29, 30, 31 of the round May 2017 of the 5 Minute Perseverance Game (5MPG): 8, 8, 9 points out of 11 possible for each day.

Results Total for the last 3 days in May 2017: 25 points out of 33 possible

Results Total for May 2017: 236 points out of 341 possible = 69 %; my creative and optimistic self has won made 236 points and the procrastinating self made 105. This round goes to creativity and well-being. 🙂

Results for days 1, 2, 3, 4 of the round June 2017 of the 5MPG: 9, 11, 8, 9 points out of 15 possible for each day.

Results Total for the first 4 days in June 2017: 37 out of 60 possible (more than 50 %)

Copyright © 2017 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels