All posts by vica

Be Your Own Anthropologist

If you ever attempt to turn your life into fun games, the best step to start with is to anthropologically, that is non-judgmentally, see yourself, your thought processes and the world around you.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#arielandshyakane #anthropology #awareness #kindness #kindnesstoyourself #transformation #nonjudgemental #seeing #SelfGamification #gamification #OptimistWriter



If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Why We Choose to Do Some Things over the Other

Have you ever asked yourself why you end up escaping from things you want to address into something else, which you don’t consider good for you at all?

You have? Have you tried to find a way to change or compensate that?

You did? And you think you failed?

Then you are not alone. Many of us regret spending too much time on social media or think that what we did during the day wasn’t what we should have. But why do we procrastinate the tasks we committed to or even those we think we want to do so much?

Here is a possible explanation. Your favorite activity might seem harder to do than something else, so you first address the effortless. Scrolling down your social media feed or watching a video seems to be easier than to write a page in a book you wanted to write for so long.

What is the solution? Make the activity you want to address effortless.

And how to do it? “Tear off” a little piece out of that huge task and concentrate on that little piece. For example, if you write a book, concentrate on one sentence. I suggest that you even write that on your to-do list, “Write one sentence in my next great novel.”

You might discover that you can’t wait to write that sentence and to see what it will become. And you might experience scrolling down your social media feed suddenly requiring more effort than writing that one sentence in your book.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#SelfGamification #awareness #anthropology #kaizen #gamification #motivation #inspiration


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

To-Do List Tasks are Often like Stunts

We all have many tasks on our to-do lists. To be more efficient we tend to record the end-results of each task to be achieved on those lists. So, those tasks often end up being as huge as New Year’s resolutions. Which could be one of the main reasons why we procrastinate them and escape from them by doing something else.

Do you have something like that on your to-do list:

  • Write a report, a master or Ph.D. thesis
  • Write an article for a magazine
  • Write a book
  • Learn a language
  • Renovate a house?

But having something like that in front of your eyes must feel overwhelming. No wonder you run from it! If a stuntman would concentrate only on that final jump, he or she would never be able to do it.

A suggestion: title your current to-do list “Goals in my Project Games” and create a new one for the next moves. The clue: these moves should be the smallest and most effortless to make.

The to-do list above could then look as follows:

  • Write a paragraph for my report, master or Ph.D. thesis
  • Choose a topic I would like to write an article about
  • Decide which book to write: a fiction or non-fiction book
  • Learn one phrase in the language of my choice and try to use it in various situations, either out loud or just in my thoughts
  • Choose one room in my house, which I would like to renovate first.

How do these sound for you? If they still sound too big to accomplish in one go, break them down further. Do so until you are so eager to address each of these tasks – and can’t wait anymore to do them -, not because you want to be finished with them, but because they suddenly do not overwhelm you anymore but are easy-breezy and even fun to do.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#SelfGamification #awareness #anthropology #kaizen #gamification


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the figure below and go to the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Treat Yourself as Your Best Customer

Treat yourself as a game designer does her favorite player. Or as an anthropologist does the people, in whom she is immensely interested.

If you would think of anthropologists, you might think of them having the following qualities. They are:

  • Non-judgmental
  • Utterly curious in what’s in front of them
  • Often dive into and actively engages with the culture they are studying
  • Immensely interested in understanding the culture they are studying, as well as its motivations

Now imagine being like that towards yourself!

So, when you observe yourself struggling with or procrastinating on a task, ask yourself the following:

How can I design or adjust this task in such a way that I, as a player, enjoy doing it or can’t wait to start playing it?

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#gamification #motivation #selfhelp #selfgamification #voluntary #participation #fun #kindness


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the figure below and go to the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Life as a Favorite Game

Here is the next short post on Self-Gamification. Enjoy! 🙂


And here is the same thought in text form:

“Let’s treat our lives as our favorite games. Let’s dive into them, enjoy them, be excellent at them, and be curious about each step, each level. And play them again and again.” – Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#gamification #motivation #selfhelp #selfgamification #voluntary #participation


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the figure below and go to the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.