All posts by vica

Back in 5 Minutes

A couple of years ago I was buying flowers for my sister, as I saw this plaque. I tried to keep my laughter quiet but ended up with tears welling up in my eyes. I had to buy it on the spot. Recently I discovered a quote by dear friends and two of my favorite authors, which resonates with the poignancy of this quirky plaque,

“At times you will live in the moment. Other times you will repeat old behaviors from the past. Expect it and don’t judge it!” — Ariel and Shya Kane.

These compassionate and uplifting words are worth sharing again and again. I made sure to include these words in the book I am writing right now on self-gamification. I expect myself sharing them on many occasions in the future. This beautiful and fun recognition is simply a gift.

#transformation #beingkindtooneself #beingkindtomyself #gamification #compassion #kindness #humour #motivation #inspiration 
#selfgamification #OptimistWriter

The End of the Cheerleading For Writers November 2018 Giveaway Contest

Early season’s greetings to all who participated in the Cheerleading for Writers Giveaway and who supported the campaign by liking it in the social media. Huge congrats to the winners of the contest! I will contact you later today and make sure you get your prize soon. 🙂  Huge thanks to Auria Paz, dear friend, story-teller, musician and entrepreneur, for organizing and rolling out this campaign together with me. It was the first one of such a dimension and I learned a lot. Thanks for being with me on this book promotion adventure! 🙂

Huge thanks to Alice Jago and shore lines designs for my book cover design and beautiful Christmas cards that served as background for this picture.

#bookgiveaway #holidaygift #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #WritingANovel #WritingABook #WritingLife #motivation #inspiration #HappyWriting #HappyCreating #MotivatingWriters #CheerleadingForWriters #OptimistWriter

Discover Your Writing Voice in This Moment

“I realize, each of us has a voice. Since the day we were born. This voice inside every one of us changes over time. I discovered that my voice is sometimes sad, sometimes merry, sometimes utterly strange, at times understanding and kind.”

“We have already a voice. We might not know it, but it is there. It’s always been there.”

“A writer’s voice is not static. Depending on the mood, on the genre, on the circumstances, that voice absorbs the external and internal world of a writer like a sponge, creating an incredible and always surprising cocktail of thoughts, emotions, and impressions.”

– Victoria Ichizli-Bartels,
Cheerleading for Writers:
Discover How Truly Talented You Are

P.S. If you would like to enter a contest where you could win a copy of  Cheerleading for Writers then click on the picture above or here.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#winter #garden #giveaway #book #voice #findingVoice #creativity #discovery #YouHaveAVoice #YouArePerfect #YouAreUnique #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #WritingANovel #WritingABook #WritingLife #motivation #inspiration #HappyWriting #HappyCreating #MotivatingWriters #CheerleadingForWriters #OptimistWriter

So many perfect ways


Its the part of you who knows deep inside that there is not one, but an infinite number of perfect ways to do the same thing. That even in a moment of creativity, there is always more than one ideal solution. And that all of them are perfect. Not loved by all in the world, but perfect on their own. That when you grab one by the hand and keep going, it will lead you to completely unexpected adventures inside your imagination and your perception of the world. – Victoria Ichizli-Bartels, Cheerleading for Writers: Discover How Truly Talented You Are

Picture: Cheerleading for Writers among my children’s beautiful creations.

P.S. If you would like to enter a contest where you could win a copy of  Cheerleading for Writers then click on the picture above or here.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#drawings #PerlerBeads #heart #dolphin #star #creativity #PerfectWays #WhatPerfectReallyMeans #YouCannotFollowAllOfYourIdeas #TheWayYouChoseToPursueIsPerfectNow #MakingTheBestOfOurChoices #WritingIsMagic #NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #WritingANovel #WritingABook #WritingLife #motivation #inspiration #perseverance #HappyWriting #HappyCreating #MotivatingWriters #CheerleadingForWriters #OptimistWriter