All posts by vica

brDoc, BREX, and Co.: S1000D Business Rules Made Easier in 3D

I am thrilled that even after starting my own business I still can contribute to the amazing S1000D community. What we do there might sound “nerdy,” but it is utter fun and useful.
S1000D is the international specification for technical publications using a specific concept of a common source database for the production, maintenance, exchange, and use of the technical data presented in the form of technical publications in the formats requested by the customers.

The little book shown on the picture gives a simple introduction to S1000D business rules, which are no other than “game rules” in the S1000D project and programs. The process to define these rules might seem daunting because there are about 500 and often more decision points where you need to set up specific rules, which might change throughout the project’s and product’ life, you are working on and helping to create. In this little book, you can learn what business rules are and why they are vital. You can also find out which of the chapters in the S1000D extensive document (over 3500 pages in its latest official Issue, Issue 4.2) is a must-read before starting to define your project and your organization’s business rules.

I recently started to work on the next S1000D book, and I am thrilled about that because I can both research how the S1000D implementation can be made more efficient and effective and also give back my gratitude in the form of valuable information to this fantastic community.

If you would like to find out more about the book, click on the picture above or here.

Check out my other books here.

Enjoy the books you read and use to help you on your way!

#s1000d #businessrules #decisionpoint #decisionpoints #implementation #OptimistWriter

Between Grace and Abyss in 3D

‘He glanced in the rearview mirror at his passenger. “Excuse me, are you in hurry?” He waited until the woman looked up and he caught her gaze in the mirror. “Do you mind if I stop for a moment?” He paused, then added, “I mean…I got a message from a close friend. I haven’t heard from her in quite a while.”

He lingered after hearing himself saying that. Yes, she was his closest friend, although still a stranger of whom he only knew her and her husband’s initials — not knowing which belonged to whom — and their last name, engraved on a small plaque on their door. Yet she saw, understood and forgave him something he couldn’t understand or forgive himself.’

Click here for the book details.

#fiction #firststory #shortstory #heartbreak #infertility #wishforachild #losingachild #buildingafamily #childloss #tragedy #hope #assault #forgiveness #kindness #honesty #kindnesstooneself #OptimistWriter

5 Minute Perseverance Game in 3D

“Like any game, this one has rules too. But as with other games, you decide what you do during your move.

“The goal is to persevere for 5 minutes a day, for as many days within the given round — which can run for a month for example — as possible.

“But what about your procrastination? You don’t have to fight it anymore. At least not in a serious way. All you have to do is play a game with it. You and your procrastination are playing this game together. At the end of each round you will find out which of you has won and what the score is.” 

5 Minute Perseverance Game

perseverance perseverancegame procrastination procrastinationbreaker motivation inspiration fun gamification selfgamification OptimistWriter

A Spy’s Daughter in 3D

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the lines gradually moved from grocery stores to embassies.

The first time she had to stay in this line was when Hannah applied for a German visa. It was three months ago. It was before the day her life changed. It was before yesterday.”

#novella #book1 #series #suspence #spystory #contenmporaryfiction #fiction #touchofromance #mixedgenre #physics #highresolutionmicroscopy #formersovietunion #moldova #chisinau #germany #darmstadt #OptimistWriter

When struggling with self-edits

I am revising my latest work-in-progress right now, and I found myself struggling with incorporating the changes I made on paper into the project on my computer. There are so many changes to make! They’re not more or less than for the previous eleven books I published. I guess my struggle fits the general perception of edits. So, I decided to look for a quote in one of my books that would help me.

Here is an excerpt from the chapter “E – Editing” from my book Cheerleading for Writers.”It is for all writers who are either self-editing or looking through their manuscript edited by others:

“Welcome the edits, thank those who proposed them, and, again, look at all this as a big, fun game. It is a game, and the more you practice it, the better you will become. So, let’s practice. I’ll do it along with you.”

So now, I will try now to welcome my own edits. ?

I wish you fun with your writing and other project games. ??

P.S. If you want to check out this or other of my books, then click here.


#motivation #inspiration #cheerleading #CheerleadingForWriters #amwriting #tipsforwriters #editing #selfediting #gamification #SelfGamification #OptimistWriter