Once, when I overcame procrastination, I wrote this:

Write, write, and write. This is what I often, very often, want to do. But almost as often, I pull the breaks, whatever the reason. Maybe, the main one is that I don’t always recognize writing as my heart’s desire – which it is – and start discussing in my head other things being more important and more valuable. Also in respect to what I write, I discuss as well.

What I didn’t do so often, until now, is just scribble. My writing always had to have a purpose. Just recently, I had an idea that it must be positive or done with a positive attitude.

And in this moment, I discover that just scribbling, without any specific purpose, feels so nice and relaxing. Who knows, if I will ever use it or publish some words of it or not. But movement of my pen creating words on paper feels so good that I wish myself to experience these tiny but immensely sweet moments again and again. Just wonderful!

P.S. And now I press “Publish”. 😉

Picture: relaxed in the Troll Forest close to Aalborg.
