Monthly Archives: October 2018

You Can Create Something Unique

I am sure that any person if he or she wants it can write a book or create something else equally unique. – Victoria Ichizli-Bartels, Cheerleading for Writers: Discover How Truly Talented You Are.

You can do it too. Happy writing and creating!

P.S. If you would like to enter a contest where you could win a copy of  Cheerleading for Writers: Discover How Truly Talented You Are then click on the picture above or here.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#NaNoWriMo #NaNoWriMo2018 #WritingANovel #WritingABook #WritingLife #motivation #inspiration #MotivatingWriters #CheerleadingForWriters #OptimistWriter

Optimist Writer is Three Years Old

Three years ago Optimist Writer was officially born. Three years of age are the children when they go to kindergarten in Denmark. So this business baby of mine has reached its kindergarten years. What an adventure!

Here is what I have written in a free little ebook I called Turn Your No Into Yes: 15 Yes-Or-No Questions to Disentangle Your Project when Optimist Writer was less than half a year old:

“Whatever your project is, you have the ability to turn it into a valuable and enjoyable game, gathering many unforgettable experiences.

Every project, however tiny, if given enough attention and peeled off worries, can bring inspiration and eagerness to do more, to create more.”

That is still very true. Ok, worries aside. Here is to many more adventures and years of the Optimist Writer. I mean, isn’t it fantastic that among many other fun projects I get to write and teach about optimism, mood uplifting and increase of motivation?

A great and brilliant day to anyone who reads this message! 🙂


Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#OptimistWriter #birthday #youngbusiness #adventure #motivation #optimism #positiveness #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #SelfGamification



If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

If you struggle with your writing process and could use a cheer from a colleague, who might have gone through similar challenges, then I invite you to check out the book:

and join the facebook group with the same name “Cheerleading for Writers.”

Resisting Something is Not Bad; It is a Helpful Indicator

Self-gamification means seeing oneself non-judgmentally, making progress in small steps, and appreciating each of those steps in a gameful feedback system by recording points, getting batches and similar. While making small steps, and therefore applying kaizen on a personal level, I learned that feeling overwhelmed is not bad. I discovered that, in fact, it is a helpful indicator. An indicator that I should make even smaller steps.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#kaizen #awareness #microprogression #beingpresent #SelfGamification #OptimistWriter


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Be Your Own Anthropologist

If you ever attempt to turn your life into fun games, the best step to start with is to anthropologically, that is non-judgmentally, see yourself, your thought processes and the world around you.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#arielandshyakane #anthropology #awareness #kindness #kindnesstoyourself #transformation #nonjudgemental #seeing #SelfGamification #gamification #OptimistWriter



If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.

Why We Choose to Do Some Things over the Other

Have you ever asked yourself why you end up escaping from things you want to address into something else, which you don’t consider good for you at all?

You have? Have you tried to find a way to change or compensate that?

You did? And you think you failed?

Then you are not alone. Many of us regret spending too much time on social media or think that what we did during the day wasn’t what we should have. But why do we procrastinate the tasks we committed to or even those we think we want to do so much?

Here is a possible explanation. Your favorite activity might seem harder to do than something else, so you first address the effortless. Scrolling down your social media feed or watching a video seems to be easier than to write a page in a book you wanted to write for so long.

What is the solution? Make the activity you want to address effortless.

And how to do it? “Tear off” a little piece out of that huge task and concentrate on that little piece. For example, if you write a book, concentrate on one sentence. I suggest that you even write that on your to-do list, “Write one sentence in my next great novel.”

You might discover that you can’t wait to write that sentence and to see what it will become. And you might experience scrolling down your social media feed suddenly requiring more effort than writing that one sentence in your book.

Copyright © 2018 by Victoria Ichizli-Bartels

#SelfGamification #awareness #anthropology #kaizen #gamification #motivation #inspiration


If you are looking to turn your life into fun games, then click on the link or the figure below and enroll in the online video course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games.

If you would like to motivate yourself or someone else to persevere through a task or activity then read 5 Minute Perseverance Game: Play Daily for a Month and Become the Ultimate Procrastination Breaker.