This lecture of the course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games introduces an entirely new, arguably the simplest, and most probably utterly surprising method to assess your tasks. As soon as you become aware which tasks you escape from and which you escape to ( and when), you would be able to adjust your project games in such a way that will help you procrastinate less and enjoy more whatever you are up to.
This lecture of the course Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games defines the new term Self-Gamification and shows how it differs from the “classical” definition of Gamification. It points out the main feature of self-gamification, meaning the fact that when you turn your life into games, you are both the designer and the player of those games.
The idea of turning your life into games might sound new to you. But the fact is that we all had done it already. We have turned various activities into games. Often without realizing it.
You might not have done it consciously or called the fun activity a game, but as soon as you added some rules to how it should take place – even if it is just meant setting a timer for a chore and with this adding a fun kick of urgency – then that was your game. There might have been many other ways you have gamified your life or treated it playfully. You might have come with those ideas yourself or been inspired by others.
This video will help you to look closer and become aware of those times you turned various activities in your life into fun games, and also remind you of the fun you experienced in the process.
The fact that I am defining Self-Gamification for the first time is not quite the reason why I qualify to teach it.
In the video below, you will hear that I have no gamification or game-design background. But that fact is the actual advantage. Because if I can turn my life into fun games without studying gamification or psychology in detail, so can you. I think, my primary qualification to teach Motivation Yourself by Turning Your Life Into Fun Games is that I have an enormous fun turning my life into games and never want to stop. Apart from that, I and those who use self-gamification approach, find ourselves less and less procrastinating on various tasks and instead, finding ways to turn whatever we up to into fun and captivating activities.
Honing the three skill sets outlined in this course will help you to have all the necessary tools at your disposal to stay motivated, have fun with whatever you are up to and be successful in what you do. You will have still the so-called “set-backs,” but you will discover that they will become shorter and shorter with time. Before I started turning my life into games, I used to procrastinate things I wanted or needed to do for weeks, even for months or even years. Today, the longest periods I procrastinate something are a couple of days.
All it takes to stay motivated and engaged it is to be aware, to make small steps, and appreciate each of these steps. Self-gamification can help you with that.
This video introduces the goals and a brief overview of the curriculum of the course Motivation Yourself by Turning Your Life Into Fun Games. Click on the link above or one of those below to view the detailed description and outline and watch other videos available for the free preview.