Monthly Archives: August 2016

Contributing to Mekon’s Bitesize on Business Rules – 1: Introducing Business Rules

(A note beforehand: This post is attributed to both Business Rules and S1000D blogs on this site, since the post and especially the article referenced in it, relate strongly to both topics in equal strength. This means that subscribers to both blogs will receive the notification on this post twice, once for each blog. I apologize in advance for this inconvenience.

Note 2: After this post, the references to subsequent articles in this series will be posted only under S1000D business rules category. So if you would like to follow it and receive notifications on each new post on this topic, then please update your subscription here by adding S1000D blog to the list of those you would like to follow.)

lifeguard-381240_1920(Photograph © under keyword “Rules”)

I am thrilled and honoured to announce my collaboration with Mekon on the topic of the S1000D Business Rules.

I’ll be teaching the S1000D Business Rules on their behalf. If you are interested, then please check out the training course outline here.

Apart from that I will be contributing monthly flash (i.e. very short and easily understandable) articles on business rules. You can read the first one here.

In this first article you will see that we won’t narrow the topic of business rules only to the S1000D but also to the necessity, sense, content and value of the business rules in general. So you can forward it to anyone in your team or your program even if they are neither acquainted with S1000D in detail nor with the concept of business rules yet.

I’m looking forward to hear your opinions to various aspects of business rules we will touch in this series.

Click here to go to the article.